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16.02.2010 · hi my name is shawn ive been taking oxycodone 30 mgs that my doctor prescribes me for my back when it hurt after a car accident a year ago well my back
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is 60 mg of oxycodone too much
325 mg. It is stated on the pill. When you see the 5/325, it means 5 mg. oxycodone, 325 acetominophen. If you see a pill with markings 10/325, then it means 10 mg
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DHEA (Dehydroepiandrosterone) 50 mg, 60 capsules In 1981, the Life Extension Foundation introduced DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone) to its members through an article
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7-Keto® is a natural occuring metabolite of DHEA, providing the same benefits of DHEA, without its associated side effects. Because the body's production of DHEA
06.07.2009 · Best Answer: Yes. And I wouldn't recommend trying to find out more info on it either. Not smart. By law you need a prescription for Oxycontin. But, as
WARNING: OxyContin is an opioid agonist and a Schedule II controlled substance with an abuse liability similar to morphine. Oxycodone can be abused in a manner
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03.11.2011 · Best Answer: Yes, your pharmacist is correct. The "325" in the 10/325 refers to the amount of Tylenol in the dose. The "10" refers to the amount of the
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